
Classical Homoeopathy

An Understanding of Classical Homeopathy

Classical homoeopathy offers the possibility of effective treatment of many disease states in the body, from purely physical complaints to deep emotional states. With the right remedy the process of cure can be quick and sustainable.

Homoeopathy is a system of medicine developed by German Doctor Samuel Hahnemann. In 1783 he ceased to practice as a regular physician and began a long exploration of the homeopathic model of medical treatment.

The vital energy is the driving force behind our mind, emotions and physical body. Consequently when the vital energy is out of balance or disturbed, symptoms come up on all levels of the human experience. Once the correct remedy is taken the entire body is affected by the new energy, and as the body’s own vital force comes back into balance the symptoms of disease disappear.

Homoeopathy uses energy medicines called remedies to powerfully stimulate the body’s vital force to enable it to cure itself. The meaning of the word homoeopathy is ‘like cures like’. In other words the remedy used in any particular case must be known to produce the identical symptoms to those experienced by the client. We call the appropriate remedy for a patient the 'simillimum'.

Homoeopathic remedies can be used in two ways. Low potency remedies can be used with what I will call a symptomatic approach. For example a remedy known to be good for muscle stiffness, Rhus tox, could be used for a client with a stiff and sore back, and a remedy like Arnica could be used for a client with mechanical injury or bruising.

The second method is constitutional prescribing which requires a different approach and is generally referred to as classical homoeopathy. In classical homoeopathy it is the work of the homoeopath to find the remedy which best fits the entire state of the client. In other words a remedy needs to match symptoms on the mental, emotional and physical levels.

Constitutional prescribing matches a remedy to the deepest state of the patient and hence has the possibility of producing a profound cure.

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Constitutional prescribing matches a remedy to
the deepest state of
the client and
hence has the
possibility of
producing a
profound cure





birds in flight

The meaning of the
word homoeopathy
is ‘like cures like’

daisy picture