Directions For Taking Your Remedy
The remedy should be taken 30 minutes away from eating, drinking or cleaning your teeth. To drink water is fine.
Your remedy will come in a plastic envelope.
Please pour 1-2 tablets (as advised) from the envelope into your mouth without touching the remedy. If there are more than 2 pills, hold the others back with your finger on the outside of the envelope and just pour 1-2 into your mouth.
Keep any remaining pills in a cool spot away from light (not the fridge) but do not take these unless directed.
If you have any problems with these instructions please give me a call.
After 10-14 days I would like you to call me or email me to let me know how you are going.
Things to look out for:
- Old symptoms improving
- Old symptoms coming back
- New symptoms starting
- General changes in energy or sleep or mood
- Dreams
Remedy Deactivation
Some substances, particularly mind altering drugs and some pharmaceutical preparations such as steroids and antibiotics may deactivate the remedy more quickly if used regularly.
Peppermint and coffee may also have an effect although I believe this is a lesser problem.
Any potentised supplement such as Rescue Remedy or Flower Essences will deactivate the remedy and should not be used. Cleaning your teeth with peppermint toothpaste is fine but avoid excessive peppermint sweets and only moderate intake of peppermint tea - 2 per day maximum.